Portugal’s Minister of Labour Praises Foreign Workers for Their Contribution to Social Development

Ana Mendes Godinho, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, recently spoke at a parliamentary hearing on the draft State Budget for 2024. During her speech, she highlighted the significant contribution made by foreign workers in Portugal to the country’s social welfare system. In 2022, foreign workers paid €1.8 billion to Social Security, and by August 2023, they had already paid €1.7 billion.

The minister emphasized that these figures demonstrate how Portugal benefits from being an inclusive and welcoming country that attracts people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. She also challenged the notion that foreign workers are low-skilled, highlighting that over half of the new jobs created for them are in sectors such as technology, consulting, and technical expertise.

Ana Mendes Godinho affirmed that Portugal is a country for everyone who chooses to live there, and that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities to work and prosper.

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