In a groundbreaking milestone, a gay couple in Nepal has officially registered their same-sex marriage, marking a historic achievement for LGBTQ+ rights in the Himalayan nation. This momentous event makes Nepal one of the first countries in Asia to allow same-sex marriages.
Sunil Babu Pant, an openly gay former parliamentarian and prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist, expressed his joy after 23 years of struggle. He witnessed the marriage registration of Maya Gurung and Surendra Pandey at the local administration office in the Dorje village council, situated in the mountainous region west of the capital, Kathmandu.
Earlier this year, Nepal’s Supreme Court issued an interim order that paved the way for the registration of same-sex marriages. Initially, officials had rejected the couple’s marriage application. Undeterred, Maya, Surendra, and Pant filed cases with the Kathmandu District Court and the High Court, but their pleas were turned down.
Recently, the Home Ministry introduced changes to the process, allowing all local administration offices to register same-sex marriages. Pant described this development as an unexpected positive breeze for the LGBTQ+ community.
The couple had married six years ago in a temple, following Hindu traditions, with a priest conducting the rituals in the presence of friends and family. However, they lacked a legal certificate validating their marriage.
Nepal has made significant strides since a 2007 court decision prompted the government to enact changes in favour of LGBTQ+ individuals. Now, people who do not identify strictly as male or female can choose the “third gender” option on their passports and other official documents.