Do you want to carry your driving license, citizen card, and other important documents with you ...

Portugal has taken a significant step towards improving services for migrant citizens. A regulatory decree has ...

The Portuguese Parliament has recently passed amendments to the Nationality Law which include significant changes to ...

Effective January 1st, 2024, Portugal increased its national minimum wage from 760 euros to 820 euros, ...

Portugal is one of the European countries with the highest rates of depression, anxiety, and other ...

Ana Mendes Godinho, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, recently spoke at a parliamentary hearing ...

The Agency for Integration, Migrations and Asylum (AIMA), the successor to Portugal’s Immigration and Border Service ...

During the festive season, Chiado in Lisbon will have restricted road traffic. From Friday to January ...

Portugal, a picturesque country on Europe’s western coast, has been drawing a significant number of American ...

The Metropolitano de Lisboa, the primary public transportation system in Lisbon, Portugal, has announced a change ...

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